Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Characters & Technic

These are the main characters in this film, a mother and a son. The Son does not have as much performance as the Mother but his costume indicates that he is a traveler. His personality is a bit stubborn and he does not like to talk too much. In addition, he always lifts his backpack because it is quite heavy.

In contrast, the Mother has more performance in the film and stronger personality. She pays all attention on his son and cares about her son's trip, sometime her attitude is a little arbitrary. The red scarf wrapped on the son's neck has been made by her in the childhood of young man. Her habit is lifting her glasses.

For the technique, I decide to use Adobe Photoshop to do the animation. I was concerning about free hand drawing style, simple and natural lines. So I can make a pen brush to suit to my style. Pencil work on paper will cost too much time, so I am going to do the draft animation in toomboom and to clean lines in Photoshop. I will use some paper texture to make the visual style more interesting.

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